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Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Snow Day 2- the melting

March 29, 2008 : My Willow survived. The weight of the snow covered ice did not prevail. The temperatures went from 32 up to 59 degrees Sunday and the storm the day before was melted away into a nice Spring day.
I snapped these shots as the morning drifted into rising temps.

Will this be the last that Winter will bring us?
Will the trees, shrubs and flowers survive this storm?
The forecast says "No". They call for more snow Thursday. We will see.
It is strange that a couple of weeks ago I was "Tired" of the winter and cold, but this week I am cheery from my play in the snow. Don't get me wrong! I am ready for Spring, planting my gardens and working on my tan. But, I could handle a tad bit more snow should it arrive later in the week.

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