Monday, July 18, 2011

The Challenge

Saturday and Sunday I used the detox soup to prep for the Challenge. It was tasty, but I was really ready for FOOD today.
I did not have coffee this morning. Not part of my plans, but I can live through a day with out the caffeine. Go figure! Don't ask about my I have had about 64 oz of water and I am still thirsty. GO WATER!
And I have walked on the tread mill for 10 minutes. I will hit it again later.
Here is what I found; this info online and it seems like common sense to me.

1. Make a Commitment. Like any established bad habit, nothing will change unless you make a commit to changing your behavior.
2. Practice awareness. To be more conscious of what's happening, jot down when and what you eat and how you feel before and afterwards.
3. Manage your stress. Healthy emotional distress management is an important life skill. Positive ways to reduce stress include regular exercise, relaxation techniques and getting support from family and friends.
4. Be physically active. Exercise reduces stress and is a great mood enhancer too. So be sure you make time for regular physical activity.
5. Create new comforts. Make a list of healthy activities you enjoy. And, whenever you feel the need, treat yourself to something on your list.
6. Start eating healthier. When you eat for health you'll choose more high fiber foods, such as vegetables, beans, whole grains and fresh fruits, plus healthy high protein foods, like fish, lean poultry and low-fat dairy. 7. Eat mini-meals often. By eating 5 or 6 small healthy meals a day, including breakfast, you help keep your blood sugar and moods stable.
8. Get rid of temptations. Don't keep unhealthy food in the house, don't shop for food when hungry or stressed and plan ahead before eating out.
9. Get enough sleep. When you're tired, it's easier to give in to emotional eating. Consider taking a nap and be sure to get a good nights sleep.
10. Use healthy distraction. Instead of overeating, take a walk, surf the Internet, pet your cat or dog, listen to music, enjoy a warm bath, read a good book, watch a movie, work in the garden or talk to a friend.
11. Practice mindfulness. Mindful eating means paying attention to the act of eating and observing your thoughts and feelings in the process.
12. Get some support. TAMARA is my buddy and I have my team at work.

I have found that the book on Buddhism is also giving me better mind balance. It is putting many things in my life into prospective. Happiness is truly inside!
We will call this

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