Friday, July 1, 2011


I am reading between two books. Natural Cures is my homework per say. I am going to be working on a "lifestyle change". Tee Hee Hee. This Idea came about from a conversation about the 500 Calorie diet. Yes, 500 calorie=not enough to live on diet. The concept is not imposing any toxins and eating clean while your body eats on the stored fat. It is a quick diet and a hormonal diet. Needless to say, I am researching on this information.

But for the fun side of life, I am reading BITE ME.

Bite Me a Love Story. I am having a hard time keeping with it because the first chapters of this book is summing up the last book, YOU SUCK. I liked the last book a lot so I hope this one picks up soon...

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