Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day

May first is May day.

I never really knew about it till I met Dorothy Krich from apt 1801. She was a neighbor of Mom and Dads at the 1 bedroom apartment. She never missed a beat. 81 years old and was adorable and spunky. I am sorry I have not kept in touch with her. I think she is living at Georgetown apts and is 85 or 86. But anyway...

After Heather prepared me a random basket of baked breads in a jar and an arrangement of lilacs a week or so ago, I have wanted to return the favor. I was as giddy as a school girl romping around the yard clipping flowers and mint I have grown thus far. In a really cool tin container I lined it with a kerchief and wrapped one tomato plant and one mint starter plant that I placed inside. And in an old olive jar I stored for just the occasion, I arranged fresh cut mint and 3 tulips. My May Day (basket) present for Mitch and Heather. I wanted to drive it over last night but knew that it could wait a day.

Thanks to my flexible Monday's I was able to ride home and give it to her in person. I totally think that once a week I will try to share my goodies with my other friends too. It warmed my heart to prepare it and give it.

Happy May Day!

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