Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My 50 for 2011

My 50 in 2011...
1. Loose 40 lbs & Get hubby to loose 40lbs with me
2. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
3. Have quiet time daily as much as possible.
4. Knit one project a month to keep up knitting
5. Get dad to work out.
6. Get the Jeep project rolling.
7. Keep up the 'blog' more often
8. stamp/scrapbook more often.
9. Plan and plant an awesome garden and keep it up
10. Get the rain barrels done and up
11. Get Chelsie and my eyes checked and new glasses.
12. Have fun dates with my friends more often
13. Bake more often.
14. Paint the shed
15. Use my recycle bags more often then I do.
16. Have a date with hubby at least once a month.
17. Start using coupons when I shop.
18. Write personal emails, messages, letters to friends to stay in touch better.
19. Keep positive, see the positive in everything (it's there).
20. Buy less.
21. Go to Vegas.
22. Purge more often & Collect less
23. Start up a Bunko group
24. Clean out the garage (with hubby of course).
25. Take a pottery class
26. Go on a hiking trip
27. Drink more water.
28. Let It GO!
29. Keep on crocheting.
30. Eat healthier.
31. Get pictures published.
32. Learn tatting
33. Spend more time at the lake
34. Get outside more (in the warmer weather).
35. LOVE others more.
36. Forgive more...both others and myself.
37. Be more consistent with my health care
38. Be more consistent.
39. Join the Garden Club
40. Compost more
41. Get my email folders all cleaned out.
42. Speak up and not hold it in.
43. Learn to not let others moods affect me and mine.
44. Stop for the small things in life.
45. Get the house organized.
46. Go outside and paint/draw when the weather is nice
47. Keep my car clean and cleaned out
48. Try to go paperless.
49. Play more board games with family
50. Focus on family and keeping drama out of our house.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely more inspired than I am!. I haven't even stopped to think about one resolution and you have 50! You go girl!
