Monday, November 22, 2010

Soon to be Thanksgiving

The excitement is rising! The holiday's are approaching...The commercials are calling me...the ads are floating around the Internet early with the Black Friday ads...I won't shop this year, but I might venture out to feel the rush of the crowds. I have been thinking up dishes for over a week now and I cannot wait to shop for the ingredients...the turkey arrived today and is thawing in the front seat of the car...the recycle bags are in the back seat ready to be filled... The countdown for Thanksgiving has started. 16 more work hours till my holiday begins...I plan on cooking a small spread that will last a couple of days. Turkey and Swiss sandwiches...YUM I am already dreaming of the leftovers. The family is small now so there more then likely will not be guests, but I will be dragging out my holiday tubs and adorning the house with Christmas decor.

I am Thankful that Dad had his surgery and has his health, Thankful that we have the beautiful home and vehicles that take us to and fro. The lake house that the Robert's boys are able to escape to, and the projects that keep them together as a family. I am thankful for each one of us having a job, they are far and few between for some families. I am thankful for my beautiful daughter and her silly boyfriend that helps us whenever he can. I am thankful for my animals that love me unconditionally and are great bed-hog-cuddlers. I am thankful to my best friend that will be the first to read this. Tamara and I were cut from the same fine linen. And I am thankful to all of my other friends that laugh, love, cry and craft with me. I am blessed and hope to spread blessings.

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