Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween Traditions

Savannah, Jeff and Race car driver Jacob popped in on Halloween. Halloween, and any holiday I should admit, has changed for me. My girl is growing up so fast and I am loosing my grip on my holiday traditions. This year, we kept one tradition for Halloween and that was Chipotle. For many years we have gone to Chipotle at 5:30, stood in line with foil ears, or accessories, and ordered our BooRito. Up until this year, they were free. But I did not mind paying $2 this year. Good filling dinner before treats. And then we would go off to hit the streets for goodies. But not this year.

I was ready to let her go on her own. The "Boyfriend" and her had matching bee costumes to match the puppy. And then went around together. My neighbors had the garage door up, candy dishes out, a grill and an adult party going on. So, why not? I did the same. We pulled the fire pit to the front of the house, got out some chairs, candy, camera and had our very own Halloween gathering. Savannah brought over Jacob and they were some of the very few trick or treaters we had. Maybe a Search light in the sky next year will bring in more

With better planning for next year, I think we have a new tradition. My husband was very handsome in the glow of the campfire. I can eaisly get used to this.

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