Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chillin' Like a Villin'

It was 90 degrees at 8:30 this morning on my way into work. The heat index, whatever that is, is going to be 115-120 degrees today. This is the time of the year I hate. I melt in the car, my yard dies from the heat and sun, and it is miserable to be outside. My dogs look at me like it is my fault, I truly think they believe that I control the temps outside like I do inside...lol.
I can picture myself sitting in this chair, barefoot, listening to Stevie Nicks with a glass of Zin crocheting Christmas gifts. But only if it is above 85 degrees! If it is cooler...
I am totally outside, in the sun, listening to the wind and birds, crocheting!
Happy Hooking!
P.s. My chair would be rainbow colors with black trim!
(this is not my chair...I found this pic on someones blog. She writes in Spanish, so I am not sure where she got this pic.)

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