Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Troop 1407's Thank You for the Brief Cases

A special thanks goes out to our silent donor for donating these wonderful brief cases to troop 1407. These will help them keep organized for their Silver Award Project~ The 2009 Teen Program Conference in November.

We meet at a local park Every Monday for 2 hours planning this conference. The girl's are incredible and are proving this to be a simple task for them. They are all brilliant and have wonderful advisers. Thank you Stacy, Boomer and Tamara, the Core committee for the adult Fall Conference, and the Girl Scout Council for making this all possible.

Thanks for the Nice Breif Cases

A Special Thanks goes out to a Silent Donor of Girl Scouts for donating these awesome brief cases to our troop for keeping themselves organized for their Silver Award Project~The 2009 Teen Fall Program Conference.

Our troop meets every Monday at a local park for 2 hours, to plan for this conference.

Thanks for all of your support. This event will set the bar higher for teens and show them that they are capable of anything.

Poker Run Crochet Dish Towels Donation

My donation to the
Family Health Care Annual Poker Run Fundraiser
was a set of hand towels in the Harley Davidson colors.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6 months later

January 1, 2009 I quit drinking soda pop. Since that date I have lost 11 lbs and 3.5 inches off my waist. I was prompted to ask Pris, our fitness instructor, to measure me again after this weekend. At the Volunteer Management Conference, Charlene and Carol asked what I was doing to loose the weight. I just told them my pants were to big. Then, the next day Dee, my neighbor, told me that she thought I was loosing weight also. I told her that those pants were too big also. Which they were. All weekend I was wearing old clothes that were too big. *Note, I should get those out of my closet.

So, Thanks guys for telling me I looked like I had lost weight, otherwise I would not have asked Pris to measure me.

Pris had me sign up for and make a profile. I will track foods, exercise and other things from here out to motivate myself into a better lifestyle.
My homework is to give Pris my next goal. The first goal was to stop drinking pop and I did. I think my next goal is to workout 3 times a week and take 1200 steps a day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Crochet

The summer humidity makes the 49 Cent drinks from Q-T sweat, so Dad asked for a sleeve...
Ta Da! the Coolest Large Coozie around, by Dana.

But then I was a show off and made Donna a coozie for her wine coolers!
There must be no limits to my nerd-ism!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I ate a cricket last night

Stacy brought back Freeze Dried Sour Cream & Onion Crickets from Iowa. She challenged us to try one. Nikki ate one and Chelsie tried one so I did too...

The legs stick to your teeth and do not like to go down. I also think they were stale...could have used the flavoring a little more!

But, I like-a Lemon Salt!