Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6 months later

January 1, 2009 I quit drinking soda pop. Since that date I have lost 11 lbs and 3.5 inches off my waist. I was prompted to ask Pris, our fitness instructor, to measure me again after this weekend. At the Volunteer Management Conference, Charlene and Carol asked what I was doing to loose the weight. I just told them my pants were to big. Then, the next day Dee, my neighbor, told me that she thought I was loosing weight also. I told her that those pants were too big also. Which they were. All weekend I was wearing old clothes that were too big. *Note, I should get those out of my closet.

So, Thanks guys for telling me I looked like I had lost weight, otherwise I would not have asked Pris to measure me.

Pris had me sign up for SparksPeople.com and make a profile. I will track foods, exercise and other things from here out to motivate myself into a better lifestyle.
My homework is to give Pris my next goal. The first goal was to stop drinking pop and I did. I think my next goal is to workout 3 times a week and take 1200 steps a day.

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