Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Class Reunion

I forgot to post this yesterday...

My husband told me in the car on our way home from the Sam's Club that I have a message on our answering machine....hee hee hee. He was grinning like a mad dog. So I wanted to know what this message was....the message was reminding me and asking me if I am coming to my 30 year High School Reunion?!

GO Class of 1979! LOL~ My hubby is still laughing about this. Who wants to party with me-let's go crash it? Sell them my wonder non-aging cream? $19.99 a bottle.....but act now, cause we can't do this all day...2 bottles for $19.99. That is my best "Sham Wow" sales pitch I can do. :)

So I would have graduated High school when I was 3 years old. Cute!

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