Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Snow Day

Saturday, March 28th, 2009...We had been warned of an imposing storm that has been moving in for a couple of days. This week we went from almost 80 degrees to this. Everything is in bloom and greening up, however this storm of first rain, then freezing rain, sleet and then snow covered everything.

We had a Girl Scout Dance planned for tonight, however after I went out shopping for last minute items for the dance and sliding in the muck, we made the decision to cancel. It is not worth the risk of someone getting hurt trying to get to the dance. I hope to reschedule for a warmer and nicer day.

So, instead, I spent most of the day outside. I was haveing a blast! I took all the animals outside to play in the snow and use the this LAST snow as a photo opp. (Hopefully the last snow)!

Minks never goes out. She was not a very happy cat. Funny thing is, I have not seen her since.

The girls came out for a little play.

Ferret tracks are adorable, if you ask me.

Rogue LOVED the Snow, Kisses and Trinity ran right for the door to get back in the house.

But did explore a bit.
Ferret Snow Angel

No kids were out, I tried to provoke them to come and play. So Hubby came out and helped me build this FAT Snowman. You could not have asked for better snow to play in. It had weight to it so it packed great.

Buddy, is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. He LOVES this snow.

This little Freak dog was eating the snow while it was falling to the ground. I mean they were huge snowflakes, but REALLY?!
It was fun to toss it at him too

Look at my handsome husband...
he was throwing snowballs for the dogs to catch
I challenged all the kids in the neighborhood to come out and play with me. We have over 20 kids in out little area of the complex and I was the only one outside. So I ran around and threw snowballs at their windows till they came out and played. See, I even got hubby to come out and build a snowman with me.

My deck and my willow tree. As I type I am watching it bend from the weight. I hope it does not snap. I love this tree.
I'll post more tomorrow. Time to go warm up by the fireplace and eat a big bowl of chili.

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