Thursday, December 18, 2008

Visits by family members

Merry Christmas to you too!

Today we had a little lunch with the small group of people that work in my building. We exchanged holiday plans, wishes and gifts. Not to long ago I must have mentioned some of my favorites that my aunt made and I miss now that she has passed because I was "visited" by her today. I actually think that my aunts, grandma and mom my have been saying Hi and Merry Christmas. Reason being, my gifts from co-workers. Beverly brought us Bourbon balls~Aunt Peg made rum balls for New Years Eve card night every year while may grandma and aunts were around. Vera brought me homemade spinach balls~which I had mentioned to Vera that my aunt Peg made them every holiday season, these were my mom and my favorite.

Funny story to go with the spinach balls. Aunt Peg made them a few years ago and gave my mom some to bring home knowing we loved them dearly. Mom and I were excited to defrost them and have at it...well, they must have been made the year before and frozen cause they were NASTY! We laughed and laughed about how age has it's effect on people. Tee hee hee.

So a couple of the gals I work with are psychic. So I truly believe that this was not a coincidence and that family really did stop in to wish me a good holiday.

Right back atcha! Love you guys too!

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