Monday, September 8, 2008


So Husband actually spent some quality time with me. I kinda forced him into part of it by telling him he had to drive the Ford in the Old Settlers Day Parade. But from there out, he asked to go to lunch with me, and wanted to go to the craft fair with me?!

Pete drove the Ford decorated with the Camp Bow Wow banner and bone shaped magnets. Tamara, Gwen, Lilly and I walked behind handing out flyers to the crowd. Lilly, the most darling little girl, so cute you want to shrink her and keep her small, was the hit. Photographers from papers and news caught Gwen and Lilly, hopefully we will see them in the paper soon.

From there, he said I "Owed" him lunch, but I already had lunch plans with Betty & Lauri and then we were going to the Spinach Festival. He said he would like to go. (Weird), nice, but odd.
So he did a good job of listening to us hens chuckle at lunch.

Betty gave me a really awesome purple glass (so Beautiful), candle, and some yummy smelling lotion. Also a round metal medallion to hang on my wall. Wonder where I am going to hang it?!
Happy Late Birthday to me.

Betty and Lauri never caught up with us at the Spinach Fest, they aren't people who like rain. Quite the shame, I was looking forward to spending the afternoon with Betty. But at the Fest, we didn't get too wet. I bought a Really nice "mile a minute" afghan for $5 and Lorraine gave me the most beautiful thread crochet rose blanket. They were having a 1/2 price sale for the rain...I was almost insulted that a person made this blanket and it was sold for $5. I refused to give them $2.50 and felt bad for paying $5. But I do love them both. Just leads me to think I will only make items for people who appreciate the handy work.

Husband, Miss Chelsie and I got pretty lazy after the Fest. Went to the store and made Pot Roast for Dinner~My favorite! :)

So to sum up Saturday, I really enjoyed spending Quality Time with Husband!

Oh- Chelsie and her team won the soccer game!!!
First win in 3 seasons.

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