Monday, August 11, 2008

Home for Heidi

Hi, my name is Heidi and I am looking for a new home...

I am a 10 month old Wire Hair Fox Terrier. I am from a breeder with papers, however I have Hip Dysplasia and I need a hip Replacement to ease my pain. My options are gloomy...The breeder will take me back, but put me down or they will pay for me to be put down. Shelters cannot guarantee that they can find me a home where I can get my medical attention~if not they might have to put me down. My owner is a Single mom on one income. My friends in the house are children 2-4. I love them and they love me, but they are too young to understand that I hurt when I play with them...

Can you help me find a home? Dana cannot take me because the city and her apartment complex will not allow for additional pets or I would go live with her and she would sell her kidney to pay for my operation...

You can email me at Dana's if you find me a home at


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