Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Flowers

On Saturday, I am a DOG WALKER. Trulee and I venture around for 30-minutes.
These are the beauties that we found this weekend. 35 degrees and flurries in Kansas City.


This project started as a hole. It was referred to, as a "HOLE". Like the movie "holes" by Disney.
The Mission was to turn that window into a door that walked out into the back yard...3 weekends later this is what we have.
Ready to cut into the foundation & take out the window. Mind you, it is 35 degrees outside and flurries just started.

The closet will be brought in later to add a refrigerator. Call it a mini Kitchen.

6 hours later, a concrete saw, a jack hammer and a layer of concrete dust all over the house! By the way, plastic does not work to confine the dust.

6 hours later the flurries turned into snow and the job rested...

Tune in next weekend to see the progression.


Mung Bean Sprouts

Monday, March 21, 2011

Seeds, Strawberries and Sun!

Yesterday was just a day of Dana's ADD. Starting projects, and moving all around. I just could not find the energy to be productive, but the family was! I just pointed, told, & they did. And I LOVE them for that. The sun was out and it got up to 80 degrees; I didn't want to waste the day. We hung the wind chimes under the eves, brought out the clay pots and carefully placed the yard decor.

Chelsie and I went to Planters in downtown Kansas City on Friday. We bought Red Salvia and Ornamental Kale seeds, more kitchen sprouts, and Strawberry roots. Then yesterday I went to the garden center to get some strawberry plants. (Went nuts at the garden center, but I will talk about that later). When we got home, they planted the strawberries in the two beds I had set aside. YUM!

If I had my way, I would plant every inch of the yard and decorate! Well, if I had the endless checkbook also. lol

Back to the Nursery Garden Center...they were having their annual party. Spring celebration of tips, discounts and fun for the whole family. I was mesmerized by the hanging globe terrariums! I made one carefully and artistically, but that was not enough. I made two! They adorn both of my living room windows. And all I can say is...YUMMY!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Raised Gardens in one weekend

This past weekend was
Home Project Weekend #1.
Spring is just around the corner so
the guys started Project #1 and #2.

#1 is digging the back window out and installing a door to the back yard.
The guys dug out a 4 x 10 area about 44 inches deep.
By the end of the week they hope to have all the dirt out.

#2 was building raised flower beds for our garden.
Because they were digging, we had pleanty of great soil to fill the beds.
We started with 3 and said 'what the heck".
We have 5 now!

I ammended the soil and we should be able to start our Spring veggies in 2 weeks. I am so excited!!!

Onions, pepper plants, lettuce, carrots, radishes, swiss chard, coliflower, broccoli, tomatos, egg plant, squash and more.
Don't forget the little pumpkins for the kids.

Jeep, Snow and Pete

Weather brought in 12 inches of snow
to Kansas City and much of the city
shut down...schools were out and businesses
closed early so families could get home safely.
We tend to hit the streets in the Jeep and Play!
Notice what is the "Weight" in the back?
Pete loaded his Jeep with snow -playing.
This was one of the greatest Winters for the Robert's. Coworkers blamed the snow falls on us, wishing for snow.
As I know, this was one of the winters that seemed to have the most snows ever. It was like being a kid again.

~He is so happy and proud
4-wheeling around in
his project Jeep.
Feb. 2011

My African Violets Bloomed!

I have 5 African Violets.
Two were a Thank you Gift from Cher and Gil, our neighbors and friends. We mowed their yard when Gil was in the hospital. We love these guys.
The other 3 were rescues from Family Tree Nursery, clearanced to their doom..before they met me.
Do you know my secret to raising them? Don't touch the leaves and water ever so gently, I keep them in a window that does not get direct light or heat/cold in the kitchen, and I just don't mess with them.
Seems to be working.
*these pictures were taken with my camera phone.

WPA Shawnee Mission West High 2011

Miss Chelsie and Marko back from WPA.