Thursday, December 30, 2010

Counting my blessings at the end of 2010

It has been a quick year. And this past week I have had time to sit back and think about all the blessings and lessons 2010 has brought me. Christmas day I went into the hospital with the worst pain ever, childbirth is more pleasurable. Two days in the hospital with no distractions other then pain and nurses, let me think some.

This has been one of those years that I am happy to put behind me. Nothing that I could not handle, but nothing worth gloating about either.

Our circle of friends is smaller and so is family. We no longer can take the mindless crap of others that drag down. Some people will be missed and others will not. Some will be forgotten and some, we wish we could. But we still have us. Pete and I have an evergrowing relationship. Thick and thin we manage to work it out and push thru. Do away with toxic relationships, ie. friendships and family members and focus on us, that is our goal from here out.

I am saddened that family is some of the toxic throw out. I am disgusted that I had to think the things and say the things I have. That is not the person I am nor want to be. But I don't have to keep taking the crap I have taken. I finally grew that backbone I have always needed and it sucks. I am have always known to never say anything you cannot take back, and I let the anger inside get the best of me. I am over that situation and wish it had not ended that way. But it is, what it is.

Cutting loose of the apron strings is much harder then I though. That is another battle that has begun. Ugg, and sigh...?!

It is just over a year ago that we have moved and thinking back I wish we had done it sooner. property values on rentals and apartments have drastically increased and we find that the house is much more affordable then the rent. But counting blessings, we are very blessed to be able to live in a 3 generation, 3 family household and keep saine. It is so much fun to spend weekends at home fiddling here and there. I have big garden plans for Spring and Hunny do's galore!

Next up...purging out junk. I have been doing this all year and still find it everywhere. I would love to learn how to stop collecting stuff or holding onto things because there is some value to be seen...craft or what have you. I have been doing good, but would really like to speed up the process some. (giggle)

Dad is doing very well after his surgery, but now I think it is time to focus on my health. So I promise that I will take this serious and I will do what the doc says to get better. I will do more to tone up. I quit soda pop 2 years ago this week, So I have the will power.

We have the project Jeep and found this great group where we can trade off parts. The $100 junk Jeep we bought for parts have been a treasure trove for trading. (say that 5 times fast). Pete's one junk Jeep has perked up a tad with the new(er) parts. I am totally trying to get Pete to let me make some finders and bumpers for the Jeep. I think he will really like them if he will just have faith in me. So, Project Jeep is in full bloom and should keep us busy in the year to come.

And last but not least, Pete and I have done very well this year with bartering. A little work and man power here and a little fun there. We may not be able to afford the great things in life, but we do know how to work for them. I don't mind cleaning, painting and grunting around if I can kick back on the boat for awhile. =) Gonna take my little fishing pole and little tackle box to the lake this year and paddle out to the middle of the cove to catch me some crappie! Hollar back to the dock to have one of the kids snap my picture and wave to my husband and family that I love so much.

Yes, We are blessed. We have each other and we have love. Here is to another year. On with a better year, one that we make better.

Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Star Project

I was given a task to find an ornament to do as a craft this weekend. Well it is not a clear glass ball, but even better, a recycled craft.

This is the star in the drying process. I'll post a picture of the final star soon.