Monday, July 27, 2009

Fire at the Library while we were trying to have a Girl Scout meeting

There we were, in the park getting ready to have our Girl Scout meeting...and poof! A dumpster fire.
So, we had a photo op! Too bad Shelby didn't keep her eyes open!

Farmer Dana

Look at my pumpkins, just GROWING!
Blooming and Growing...
Growing over fences...
Well, I did not grow these, but I did buy them for their beauty. I do not like bell peppers, but I just had to buy these because I wanted to photograph them.
Here is my Vegetable Arrangement.

This is a pumpkin flower. These are the size of dinner plates and I had no idea how beautiful they were till now.

At the farmers market they sell them to cook in stir frys. I might try a couple. Sounds pretty interesting.
Until then, I will just take pictures of them...
a couple of Morning Glories hiding in the pumpkins...
I am not joking when I say there is a deck behind these. This PILE of pumpkins are volunteer pumpkins from the plants from last year. They are growing over the fence, where we normally plant our tomato's. They are growing up the weeping willow tree just behind also.

I just LOVE it. My all natural Pumpkin Patch in the heart of Johnson County Kansas.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Jax

Aunt Dana stold these pictures off my Brother-in-Law's Facebook.....Hee hee hee

Today my favorite color is Purple

Taken at the Arboretum July 23, 2009

Ya, Read her shirt...Respect your Mother!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today, My favorite color is Green

These pictures were taken at the Kansas City, Kansas Ag Hall Festivle on July 11, 2009

July's Twilight Zone

I was just thinking to myself that July has been challenging to me this year. I have been faced with family challenges, work challenges, moral challenges and draining situations. I have questioned myself many times. Did I read more into that situation than I should have? Did I escalate the situation? Was it me that turned that into drama?

I was broadsided by information of the legal trouble my dad got himself into. I was forced to call out family members that I do not talk to normally. (They are not really a chit chat kind of family). This particular situation was like a Twilight episode. And I was more disgusted than concerned for my dad.

At work I was verbally attacked by my boss, in front of my daughter, while I was on the phone with a client, and while students were earshot away. I took the abuse and rolled with it. Cause I don't like to stir things up and it is easier to just drop my jaw and take it in the ---. Did I yell back at the crazy Bitch? Nope. Oh, and thanks for the public apology.

Did I escalate the situation with the crazy patient? Did my boss once again belittle me? Was there really that much of a threat of him coming in and going ape shit? Well the man owns a gun and has been known to bring in the gun and a knife. Of course it is not me. But Why?

Why has July been so God Aweful and crazed? Why was I the only one in the group of neighbors that was morally upset when Mary was violated. Beth was an uninvited guest in her home. She basically, in my opinion trespassed in her home and then had the nerve to chug a beer in front of her kids and tell us how awful Mary's house was and how she was going to turn her in for it. I was told to go see it for myself. Of course I did not. It is not our business. And then I just sat there silently while everyone agreed with her. Did they not realize that by doing that, Mary could have her children taken away from her? Did I say anything? NO. Why? I was screaming inside, but I made up a lame excuse and went to my house and shut my door. They live on high pedastils, those neighbors. So as my gut tore me up and my blood boiled, I called her to tell her that her backstabbing "friends" violated her and were conspiring against her. I wanted to WARN her. Give her the chance to fix it. How could they sleep at night?

She called friends and family and was cleaning away tonight and waived her vacuum wand and said "Dana, I am a hoser." She even smiled. But I ached inside to see her in her wheelchair working her heart out while the Neighbors sat like hens watching her clean. I even had the nerve to apologize to them because I could not just sit there and let them do that to her. They acted like it did not bother them that I told her and they offered to help her and blah, blah, blah.

I want real Friends, Real Family, and a Real Job. No fakes. When I go inside for the evening, I don't want to wonder what they are saying about me behind my back. When I go into work, I want to be treated seriously and have safety. I just want to help people put their lives back together. And I miss my lost family. I need to mend my ill thoughts of some and forgive and forget the others.

Less Drama and more fixing. Gotta fix Dana. Stop second guessing myself. Stand tall and grow a backbone. Stop worrying about what others have to say behind closed doors, but worry for the ones that need my help.

You know, my husband has been my saving grace. He would go to fight for me on these issues if I asked him. And for once, I really know he is listening to me.

Mom, you would be proud of him. Sorry you missed it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Monkey...Number one.
Chelsie took it from me. It is the size of a Razor cell phone.
Monkey, number two.
Mine, all mine!
This on is about the size of a small purse.

Pumpkins on the way...

They are growing like weeds

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tri-Loom Shawl for Guild

This is the hood I am working on for my Guild Shawl. I am adding the Celtic Heart to my hood.
I am not as good at embroidery, but not too bad either.
My finished Celtic Heart Hood made on our 3 ft loom given to us at Christmas by Mary.

I will post pictures of the finished Tri-Shawl when I am done.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July at Kid Rock Concert 09'

Roc, a long time friend of mine, called me Friday and said they had an extra ticket to Kid Rock and invited me to go. I was so stoked! What an awesome concert and on the 4th of July?!
Lynyrd Skynyrd and Kid Rock at Sandstone.
T bought our awesome VIP tickets. (Thanks T'!) That is her on the right with Roc.

Her son Nick. This was his first concert. He cracked me up when he said that he just knew that he would come home smelling like "beer, cigarette smoke, and tits". Yep, Tits. So, of course I asked " what do tits smell like"? He did not know, but was sure he would smell like them. He is 13. I am still laughing about that.

He is so shy. I told him to live it up cause he was at a concert with hotties!
This is Roc's signature pose for pictures!
She asked this guy if she could wear his hat for a picture and then said she wanted a pic with him. Total Flirt! =)

Now, really, I am trying to smile. Geez, Dana. I think I need to get out more.

I don't think one more person could have fit in the lawn section. The place was packed with the exception of a few empty seats by us. But that just made is comfortable to move and dance!

The weather looked nasty but was perfect. Even the mist most of the night was nice.

Skynyrd was Great and sounded awesome. I am not a total fan of his, but he rocked the place. I wish more of my pictures turned out, He paraded around the stage with flags, but they moved so much the pictures blurred.

Kid Rock! He is pretty hot, I enjoyed watching him dance around and yep, he took off his shirt!

Blurry picture, but I kept it anyway.

Fire! look at how high the flames went. Pretty cool effect.

He played the piano, the guitar, the turn table (which was awesome and my favorite of the evening) and the drums.

I thought this was Sheryl Crow at first, she sounded just like her in the duo song.

And he wrapped the show up with fireworks!
Roc said that this was my Birthday present. Wow-will this be hard to top. I am so glad they invited me to go. I don't think you could get more patriotic than a Kid Rock Concert on the 4th of July.