Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Feb Magic Yarn Ball from Linda in Florida

Oh Yippee...Mail other than a bill!
My Magic Yarn Ball Exchange package arrived today from Linda in Florida!
Inside the package was the spillage of goodies that didn't fit in the ball ;)
A Postcard, a key chain, a lucky token, mini note cards a note and a beautiful set of Hummingbird pins~My favorite!
3 balls of yarn later... An Easter pen, flashy butterfly stickers, Beach stickers, flower smilies buttons, hand made earrings, beautiful orange string of beads, lucky shamrock coin, heart tin can with a teabag inside, a magnet and heart decals
This is Yummy yarn...I will go online and find the perfect pattern to use this yarn on. I think maybe a neck scarf. It will match about 3 Spring shirts I have.

What a shame that the guys are going off to the lake for the weekend and leaving me at home...
Hee hee hee! With 35 degree weather and snow in the forecast, I am thinking
#1 Recliner,
#2 Glass of wine,
#3 this yarn,
#4 fuzzy blanket tucking me in, & last but not least...
#5 chick flicks on TV!!!
Thanks Linda...This was a fun ball and a fun exchange!

Cotton Crochet Projects

Fun Colors~Dish Cloths

Cotton Coozies

Cotton Coozies
Blues and Yellows~Cotton Dish Cloths

No Pattern Playing around
Just a plain dish rag

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cotton Twist Project

Hit this Yarn sale on Saturday and got this Yummy yarn for 40% off. Such an addiction!
So I could not just sit and watch a movie...Hulk was not quite interesting enough. The yarn was calling my name..."Dana, crochet me!" So I grabbed the Cotton and made this Shell Neck Wrap. Not quite the piece designed to keep the neck warm, but rather a fiber jewl.

Now, what should I make with the Blues version of the Cotton Twist?! Since it is almost 11pm and I have to work tomorrow, I guess it will have to be a Monday project....

Mp3 Player lanyard holder by Dana

I found this Yummy Cotton yarn Saturday and needed to play with it. I made a couple of projects with it. This was a creation by Dana. Now I can run on the treadmill listening to my Spanish lessons and music.


March 17th: Wow look at the growth!
Feb. 14th: This is my Valentine's Day present. It is an AeroGarden. It has a water pump and grows seeds into plants by a grow light on a timer. I will take a picture of it in the daylight so it will show up better.....Thanks Dad. I love it!

Day one.

Jax Baby Booties

Aunt Dana made Baby Jax Baby Booties for Valentine's Day to match his hat. The picture below is an 8.5 X 10 sheet of paper to show the proportion of the booties.

Valentine's Envelopes

I made these for the kids for Valentine's Day and stuffed them with a love note and candy.

Rellik the silly dog

"Um...Mom? I would like to eat by the firelight tonight."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Job

Friday is still embedded. It was a long and very busy day, not as busy as the rest of the week, but a day that made an impact on why I am a Family Health Care and what I really do.

It was the end of the day and I would have rather been leaving for the day because I was exhausted but with just one more hour to go we were met by our last appointment for the day. They were irritated by the traffic and the cold. They had poor directions and ended up in the wrong end of town. They were late and had to fill out a pile of paperwork to make things worse. They too were tired.

I am a glorified receptionists, more like a paralegal without the degree to back it. Most days I wish I was in that room listening to the problems and able to give out the answers that could fix them, but I sit on the other side of the door making sure they have dotted all the i's and crossed the t's, I set their appointments and I answer their calls. I wish I could fix them or at least help them. I am not the lawyer and I am not the law student.

Well Friday, I may have been priceless and no degree from any school or any plaque on a wall could have made more of an impact. My review is coming up and I want to change my title from Legal Coordinator for the Medical-Legal Family Health Services Clinic to The Listener.
I sat at my desk making small talk to the Aunt, the ride of the client. Talking about weather and the fish tank in my office. These are my "topics" I start with to pass the time in the waiting room. But this person took weather and fish and turned it into her story. Everyone has a story. Hers was sad. She was able to tell me about the loss of her husband of 15 years to a heart attack. She talked about the two funerals days apart. The one of her husband and the one of her niece that found her husband dead. The little girl died of a heart condition at 6. She told me about this wonderful man that served for our country and died because the V.A. doctor was busy and made a mistake that resulted in his fatal heart attack in the room with this little girl screaming. This brilliant little girl that left us too soon undiagnosed with a fatal heart condition. I am sure she has told this story a million times and will tell it a million more, but she told it to me.

She told me her story for 45 minutes with out a tear, just this glaze across the room. She was still numb from the losses. I said few words to her. What could a person say to that story? I choked back tears. I could hardly hold them back, but she wanted to tell her story with out the garbage attached with hollow cliche's that people say, like "I understand" and " I am sorry for your loss".

They left with a smile and had heartfelt goodbyes. But when they left I collapsed in my chair. It was like watching the towers from 9-11 collapse again. I could not believe what I heard, her story was so sad. And the phone rang I answered and it was them. The aunt wanted to tell me that the weather was getting bad and to be careful on my way home... because the weather report from when she came in had change since she left. She came in upset and left with a smile, a genuine smile and almost a look of relief.

They see the clients and I see the family or the person that gave them the ride. I hear their stories. I hear the stories of the long lines and smell at the homeless shelter. The many busses they had to take to ride across town. The neighborhood that is filled with drug dealers. The missed child support checks and the loss of yet another low paying job.

This is the beginning of our clinic. I am not able to give out professional advise, but I am the Listener. They may be able to fix the obvious, but I listen to them tell their story. Everyone has a story and just needs someone to listen.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Things About Me

Random Things About Me!
I posted this on Facebook (the great time waster) and people are still sending me comments. So I thought I would post it here also.
1. I could eat chips and salsa for a meal more than once a day.
2. I love the outdoors
3. I want to be a camp ranger when I retire
4. I grew up in a school bus my dad made into a mobile home and traveled the west coast & western stated till I was 7 years old.
5. My parents were gypsy's or Hippies- what every you would like to call them.
6. I was incredibly shy during my school days but look out now. You can't get me to shut up.
7. I wear contacts and I am literally blind with out them.
8. I fall asleep in long car rides
9. I love to help my family even though I complain.
10. I was a florist for 4 years in High school
11. I'm not afraid to tackle any job, you don't know if you can do it until you try.
12. I graduated from Highschool early-over acheiver!
13. I have been with my husband for 16 years-15 year ann. is TODAY.
14. I have my tonsils
15. I have had cancer and is in remission.
16. I have arthritis.
17. I don't have one favorite color- I love them all.
18. I met my hubby in a pool hall.
19. I have 3 tattoos
20. I was a lifeguard and managed a pool when I was 14 till I was 17-Best JOB as a TEEN!
21. I am still friends with my middle school best friend-Jenn
22. I love the sun
23. I wish I lived in Santa Barbara,California
24. If I see someone I know crying, I will tear up also. Sometimes, that's really embarrassing. Others will look at me like I am a fool and wonder what I am crying for.
25. I wish I was not stubborn and could get past being mad at family to go back to not being so
26. I have hundreds of skeins of yarn hidden in my home
27. Titanic and Armegeddon are my favorite movies
28. I was 106 pounds when I found out i was pregnent.
29. I have decided to go natural , Grey is okay
30. Facebook is a great time waster for me
31. I proud to be a part of the Roberts Family
32. I like all types of music
33. I don't have a favorite actor
34. I am a girl scout leader
35. I love to be barefoot
36. But I hate cold feet
37. I have spit milk out of my nose from laughing
38. I hit a girl in the head with a racket in 5th grade, gave her 3 stitches and she became my best friend from that for a few years.
39. I used to leave in the morning and come home at dusk in the summers as a kid.
40. I remember my address from childhood :6611 Overton
41. I can drive a stick shift
42. I am afraid of heights
43. I believe in ghosts and aliens
44. I have never smoked
45. My first car was a Plymoth Sapparo- they made like 2000 of them and they were junk.
46. I still care about the person that was my first Kiss. But do not regret breaking up with him.
47. My husband drives me nuts, but I like it.
48. My daughter is just like her dad, but I love it.
49. I want to take a trip to the beach to release my mom and my aunts ashes-I promised I would.
50. I say all the corney sayings my mom said and they finally make sense.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Welcome Baby Jax 2-9-09

Welcome Baby Jax!
On February 9, 2009 you were born at 5:30 am. At 6 lbs, 13 oz, and 19 tiny.
This morning I saw a rainbow over I-35 on my way to work.
The day began with a new Robert's, a Rainbow and the day set with a Full Moon.
Grandpa Bill is so proud of Jax. He thinks Jax looks just like Mason, his brother. And he does.
Even that tiny cry sounded like Mason.
Monica, looked wonderful. She was glowing. And Proud Pappa, Bill looked slightly stressed, proud and very tired, already.
(Bill was so anxious last night, anticipating that last night was the night.)

I don't take pictures hardly ever, but this was a great exception.
I am a very proud aunt.
I love all of my boys! Dad, Pete, Jarod, Mason, my pups and now Jax.
Oh, did I tell you that I made that orange cap.
Monica asked me to make an orange one to match his outfit to come home in.
I picked out this reall adorable monkey outfit that will match his hat later on.
The preemie sizes even looked big. I am sure he will fit in it soon.

This picture lights my heart.
My hubby and Jax.

There are the Boys and Miss Chelsie

Jarod and Miss Chelsie with Baby Jax.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Goals for 2009

This years goals:

Take Spanish Classes
Work out at least 3 times a week
Drink lots of water
Work to be taken off blood pressure meds
Learn to work more like a Paralegal & Social Worker
Go camping this summer
Send Chelsie to Winding River for camp
Find a nice house to rent or buy
Get rid of some of my clutter
Take a trip with my hubby even if it is just to Branson
Spend a couple of weekends at the lake house
Spend the summer photographing nature
Read all of the Twilight books
Get a Great Tan
Go on at least one hike
Have the most beautiful Sunflower garden this summer
Take one of the garden art classes Mirim told me about
Tame my hummingbirds so I can sit next to them
Buy a hammock
Garage sale till I pass out at least one weekend
Have my pumpkin patch again this year
Have a photograph published
Go to the Oprah
Go bowling
Buy the Tye Dyed Converse shoes at Oak Park Mall
Buy a SlapChop :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yarni Gras Blog

I found this blog and wanted to share. I need to poke around in there a bit to see what all else she has...