Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 and Silly Pet Pictures

Rascal, Chelsie and Rellik~posers!

Thanksgiving morning we slept in, prepared our turkey and went to Bill & Monica's house for dinner. Chelsie baked her first Pumpkin Pie from scratch.

When we got home we pulled up all the Christmas decorations from the basement and started decorating. Including the Dogs! Well the tree is up and the dog is adorn, I will finish the rest this weekend AFTER the Friday shopping! (no I will not be up at 5am to get the deals). I will go into work, pick up my check, actually work for a bit then I AM OFF TO HIT THE SALES.

Until then, Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy our silly pet pictures!


My husband that has tolerated me for 15 years. My daughter I LOVE SO MUCH. Dad, because he has always been more than my fauther could ever wished to be. My Job (because so many are without a job) and I have a fulfilling, warm and fuzzy job.

My Friends in no paticular order: Jenn who has been my friend since middle school. Stacy who will hang out with me and eat crab till we get sick. Tamara for being my crochet pal, and fellow wine-o. Mary who inspires me. Brenda who knows the Leo in me. Patricia, Aislinn, Vanessa and Vera who make FHC the crazy fun place to work! Dee who was my moms best friend and is my shoulder to whine on since my bestfriend, my mom, is gone. Lorraine who makes me wish to be like her when I am that young. Val who is my bff from afar and fellow email buddy. Boomer who is a great mom and leader. Betty who makes me smile and laugh.

(And later when I shread up one of your socks,
remember that you did this to me and you must pay)

(Why me, Why must you do this to me?!)

Rascal and Chelsie
Hee hee hee
(Bonkers is thinking up ways to repay us for this
thoughtful jesture of dressing him up~Later we will PAY!)

(Humans are evil...they all must suffer!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dana & Pete's Love Match

Romantic Match
Dana & Pete
When Leo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is often fireworks! Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest. This couple is full of life and fun to be around, with each person encouraging the other to aim high! Sagittarius's philosophical tendency warrants a distraction to Leo's obsession with the larger-than-life. The two will have genuine admiration and respect for one another. Both are warm, charasmatic and charming; people enjoy being in the energy this couple radiates.

Both Signs can be impatient but endearing, and Leo may be annoyed by Sagittarius's flirting, but there's never a dull moment in their relationship. Sagittarius sees the world as a textbook they must study from, while Leo acts as the gracious host. Both are extremely social, but it is vitally important to Leo that they feel that they are in control of the conversation. Leo is the Lion, the leader, while Sagittarius is the Archer, slowly taking the time to survey their target and feel the nuances of difference in their approach. Both Signs are usually respected by others, and it's important that each remembers to treat the other with the utmost respect as well.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Both are masculine energy archetypes, and together they make a good combination -- they understand one another because they are so similar. The Sun is about Self and Jupiter is about expansion and excess, together providing a personal and outward focus on themselves and the world, although sometimes they can overexert themselves. They're highly compatible with lots of energy, and can be a wonderful couple in any setting or situation.

Both Leo and Sagittarius are Fire Signs. This tends to be a very heated and passionate relationship. They both have boundless energy, and can seem the only ones able to keep up with one another's intensity. Although Sagittarius may become exhausted by Leo's expansive ego, their differences of opinion won't last long -- Sagittarius has moved on to the next project and Leo's optimism and need for a fan club overcome a petty argument.

Leo is a Fixed Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Sagittarius provides Leo with the deeper understanding they may be lacking, while Leo can fine-tune Sagittarius's charm and social graces. Sagittarius may be irritated by Leo's bossiness, shallow vanity and tendency to sulk. However, they are both loyal and devoted to one another, and the rewards of their union outweigh the minor setbacks.

What's the best aspect of the Leo-Sagittarius relationship? It's the willingness to work as a team and the mutual admiration they exhibit when dedicated to seeing things through. This duo complements one another with a combined attention to personal and world affairs. They both know their place in the relationship. Their comparable high energy and fiery passion makes them a versatile love match.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crazy Pet Pictures

Dad and Rellik
Nap Time

Monkey Boy~

Poor sick Chelsie napping~
The all NEW Heating Pad Dog! Act now and get 2 for the price of one!...
Heating pad Dog number 2.....
Rascal being cute


Chelsie taught him to jump...
Back pack dog?
Weird Growth?! Odd dog?! Odd kidd?!
Is this pet training????
Mink's the cat in hiding...

Day at Lawrence

Taran, I believe that this picture says it all.
We took a Saturday trip to Lawrence, where we hit the Science store, two Hippie shops (where he bought these glasses), the Yarn Barn to feed our need for Fiber!, and to play the day away in the first flurry of snow this year. Burrr.
I insisted that these were the glasses he needed and he bought them. I hope he wears them often and remembers this crazy fun day.
I love this Guy!

Silo's at Dusk~The Birds

I guess it has me because it is in the heart of Kansas City. Something you would expect in western Kansas, not near the Plaza or Downtown Kansas City. It is the heart and soul of the city. The backyard of Dr. Lee's baby~Family Health Care. An Unbrella of Health and Social Care for the underprivledged and undercared for. Service to All. Cuddled in Kansas City Kansas, viewed by all almost every night by the high crime rate and the public embarrassment. We mark the map here by crime. Bodies found in neighborhoods unclaimed. Yet this simple concrete mass that captures me by the fading light each night as I leave to my surburban home, nestled in warmth and carefree wealth of the "Johnson County" life...I hide with the rich and work with the poor. Maybe I am the bird on that silo?!

Looks like a clip from the movie "The Birds":
by Edgar Allen Poe's book.
One day I will capture a picture of them in flight.
This is the view outside of our office. It is poetic to me. It captures me in awe some days; simple, rustic, and functional. Raw beauty.

Karate Orange Belt Test Nov 13, 2008


Belt testing from Yellow to Orange.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dana's Bucket list

Bucket List
( ) Gone on a blind date.
(X ) Skipped school.
( X) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
( x) Been to Florida
( X ) Been on a plane
( X ) Been lost (and not just geographically)
( X) Been on the opposite side of the country
( ) Gone to Washington , DC
( X ) Swam in the ocean
( X ) Cried yourself to sleep
( x) Played cops and robber
( ) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang Karaoke ~If I ever do, admit me to the psyc ward!
( x) Paid for a meal with coins only.
(X ) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
( x ) Made prank phone calls
( X ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( X ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain or run through summer puddles
( X ) Held a baby long after it fell asleep because it felt so good?
(x ) Watched the sunrise with someone
( X ) Blown bubbles
( x ) Gone ice-skating
( x) Been skinny dipping
( X ) Gone to the movies
Any nicknames? My dad used to call me Tweety
Favorite Drink? Pepsi and Wine
Body Piercing? Yep, ears, belly button when I was much younger
How much do you love your job? I have passion, but would like my services to be used more than they are here.
Birthplace? KC, MO
Favorite vacation spot? Bed, bubble bath, in the sun, or behind my camera
Ever been to Africa ? No
Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? nope
Ever been on TV? Yes
Ever steal any traffic signs? No
Ever been in a car accident? No
Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4
Favorite pie? Raspberry
Favorite number? 13
Favorite movie? Titanic
Favorite dessert? Cheese Cake
Favorite food? Chinese
Favorite day of the week? Thursday
Favorite brand of body wash? Bath and Body works
Favorite toothpaste? Crest
Favorite smell? Chelsie's hair, my hubby's truck makes me smile, My garden, and my blanket
How do you relax? crochet and my new love Tri Loom Weaving
How do you see yourself in 10 years? Happy, content, married for 25 years & getting calls from my Daughter in college to be a Vet.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm a Great Aunt

I am a Great Aunt!
Just found these pictures of Jacob Lee on MySpace.
Little Savannah is a mommy. That is Jeff, Jacobs Daddy.

I hope I get to meet him soon.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My finished project

November 1, 2008 at 7:30 am. I was driving 435 to go to my last Tri Loom Weaving class.
It was like a scene out of the movie "The Mist".
I could not see more than 3 car lengths in front of me.
That semi was the distance of visibility.
So farther down the highway, I was worried if I would even see my turn. Can you see the car on the side of the road? That is a police officer and he was stupid enough to be standing in the lane of traffic.

By noon I was out in the warm sunlight and it was about 70 degrees. Perfect weaving weather.
So-Fringe: insert hook under the X and pull thru-mental note to self.

Almost done!

Pulling off the loom, single crochet the top loops to finish the edge.
Mental note to self~ do not cut the top strands where I joined the colors, leave them long to sew in later to hide them.

See- short nubbies of string-yuck.

I had to stop on my way home to take in the Fall.
This is my second Favorite Color.
Breathtaking isn't it.
I love the change of seasons in Kansas City.

This is My 7ft loom that is now in my dinning room.
We never eat at the table anyway---lol.
This is my second project.
Delight, my teacher and Donna the instructor
said the best way to remember how to loom is to go home and start another project...
hee hee hee, like I needed an excuse!
Chelsie picked "West's" colors.
This is our project we are working on together.
We are thinking no fringe. Which is funny because her shawl will hit the floor if it has fringe.
~To Be Continued~

Halloween 2008

My gang!
Good witch Alicia & her black cat

Batman Seth
Chelsie and relliK

Our annual Halloween stop at Chipotle for our free Boo~ritos! Yumm Yumm.
As 30 minute line for free food...We love it!
The three Fairys

Tamara is a POSER!

Girls playing in the cemetary

Grandpa, can't you smile?

Pete in the silly hat~What a sport!

3 Hats to Keep the Girls Warm

Teal for Chelsie, Pink for Shelby, and Lime Green for Gwen. This is what I do to unwind from a long day. Well, at least the Girls will have something handmade and colorful to keep the peanuts warm.

(Double stranded Red Heart with an I hook.)